Personal & Group trainer
Exercise smartly and technically correctly.
Higher ( LU, RSU)
Functional Training, Beginner Training, Weight Loss, TRX, Diet Planning, Pregnancy Exercise, Strength Training, Posture Correction, Mobility, General Fitness, High Intensity Interval Training, Muscle Gain.
25-30 EUR/h

Coach leading the workouts:

Booty builder
This is a strength workout designed to strengthen the muscles of the buttocks and legs.
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Full body circles
Workout takes place on the principle of a circle: you move in a circle through exercise “stations” and during a certain time interval perform physical exercises for specific muscle groups.
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Lemon Power
An exciting class of medium and high intensity for strengthening the muscles of the entire body.
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Stretch & Balance
Stretching and recovery training, during which the muscles and ligaments of the whole body are functionally relaxed and regenerated.
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Exercise is for both body and soul. Unique poses and plastic movements, harmoniously coordinated with breathing exercises, have a positive effect on the surface and deep muscles, which are responsible for correct posture, protecting internal organs, and maintaining well-being.
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A workout designed to strengthen the deep muscles of the abdomen and back.